Royal Arcade Courtyard, Norwich render

Royal Arcade, Norwich

Redhead Architects are pleased to assist the new owners breathe new life into this significant Norwich landmark. So far we have secured three Listed Building Consents for sensitive adaptations to shop units to improve staff facilities to make them more lettable whist working within the constraints of the Grade II* listing.

This latest project seeks to enliven an under-used existing courtyard, accessed off White Lion Street to provide a new outside seating area for customers to enjoy. Rather than fix lighting into the surrounding buildings, we propose a new free-standing ‘lighting canopy’ to help define the space and give it a more human scale. A simple metal frame will feature a ‘frieze’ formed from from a folded perforated metal sheet, to the same profile of the existing stone and tiled mouldings which decorate the existing arcade. The frieze will be left from behind to create a warm and inviting glow. We also plan to lace a string of lights across the frame to throw shadows over diners and the surrounding walls.

We are really pleased to see that the arcade has ‘turned a corner’ and is making a vital contribution to Norwich’s award-winning and ever expanding offer of independent and local retailers.

Diagram of proposal at the Royal Arcade Courtyard, Norwich